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Click to view my Experience
drone project
This was my Summer 2018 Personal Project. I really loved it and decided to make others free to learn from my experience.
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lego project
We used lego and motors to construct a transformable car that drives according to a given line.
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This was a Class Group Project that was sponsored by Texas A and M and Texas Instruments. It was really eye-opening.
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dstr Car Project
I realized I needed a convenient way of charging my apple watch while it was still in use without having a lot of wires laying around. So I designed a charging dock and constructed it in Soldi works. I also 3-D printed it.
Click to see Video
Other Prototypes
CHarging Dock
Science I was a kid, I have liked designing websites. It's been a hobby that I have grown into. I designed This website and Took a 99% of the pictures. After I elected as the Telecomm chair, I also completely re-designed the
NSBE website.
Click here
to view the website
I traveled to South Africa and I attended a Leadership Academy. This was a pivotal time in my life. We visited a non-profit shelter. My team created a means of food supply for this shelter. We built prototypes of sack farms and pitched the idea to investors who were willing to help this shelter. It was an amazing experience.
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Our Presentation
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